Sadie turned 3 years old today. She got to sleep in while mom made one of her favorite breakfasts, homemade biscuits and gravy. Yum, Yum.
We went to Build-a-bear for a little fun with Grandma Karen and the rest of us. She picked out a zebra and named her Lolli-pop. She had lots of fun and I'll post some pictures later.
If you've met Sadie, you'll know what a sweet little angel she is. She has a beautiful personality and is very fun to play with. We love her very much!
(Aunt Kristin took this picture up Mt. Graham during Thanksgiving)
Happy Happy Birthday Sadie girl! Build a Bear sounds like tons of fun. BIG hug and kiss from Aunt Kristin.
Casey Ann, found your blog with only "one degree of seperation" amazing. Hope you and your family are well. You have adorable children. Tell your siblings hello for me.
Joni Lang
Thanks Joni,
It was great to hear from you. Do you have a blog? If, so let us know.
The rest of the family is doing well and I'll let them know you said hi.
Casey Ann Mack
Hi Casey Ann,
I'm hoping to get my daughter or daughter-in-law to help me set up a blog after the new year. I am pretty "blogger illiterate". I'll keep you posted.
Happy birthday Sadie! It was so much fun to see you guys and spend time with you. It's funny how our kids pick up right where they left off when they see eachother. We miss you terribly but were glad to be able to see you when we did. Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing in Colorado.
Love ya!
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